
Surgical FAQs

February 16, 2018 12:34 pm Published by Comments Off on Surgical FAQs

Many people have questions about various aspects of their pet’s surgery, and we hope this information will help. It also explains the decisions you will need to make before your pet’s upcoming surgery. Is the anaesthetic safe?   Today’s modern anaesthetic monitors have made surgery much safer than in the past. Here at the West […]

Frequently Asked Questions

January 24, 2018 4:49 pm Published by Comments Off on Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some questions/answers that we are frequently asked. If you have additional questions that aren’t covered here, please feel free to contact the veterinarians and veterinary staff at West Toowoomba Vet Surgery. What are the Surgery hours?   Our surgery is open Monday to Friday from 8:00am to 6:00pm. On Saturdays we are open […]